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HKBPORK is a local self-raising pig farm that has been in business for decades. Our breeding method has always been to provide pigs with the best nutrition and environment. We use natural breeding methods to breed the best quality pigs and provide delicious, healthy and also hormone-free pork to the public.


HKBPORK started to have its first retail store in 2016, and with the support of many neighbourhoods, it officially operates the Hong Kong bread pig brand in 2020.





Our local farm

Our pig farm has been handed over to the third generation. The farm was started by the owners' Grandpa in the 1970s, taken over by the second in the 1980s, and taken over by the third generation in 2018 until now.


Our farm is designed to use segmented feeding to make pigs live comfortably, while also effectively reducing the risk of cross-infection and ensuring the health and safety of pigs.


Ancient method breeding,
New school sales

People in the past used to breed pigs with "leftovers". This natural method of breeding pigs is now called "ancient raising". But because modern people pay more attention to hygiene, especially after the severe periods of African swine fever and the covid-19 epidemic, local pig farms now use chemical feeds to feed pigs, or use hormones to speed up the raising speed of pigs. Not only the growth rate, the nutrition of this feeding method is lower than that of the "ancient feeding" method, and there may be hormones or chemical residues on the pigs, which are harmful to the human body after eating.

HKBPORK hopes to inherit the characteristics of "ancient breeding", so high-cost fresh ingredients and time-consuming food processes are used to replace the "leftovers", in order to make sure HKBPORK’s pork can keep the deliciousity of “Old Method Breeding”.


The local farming, pork cutting, and pork packaging are all to be done and based in Hong Kong, and even one-stop sales to physical stores. This can greatly improve customers’ confidence in the safety of pork and the source of sales.


To breed quality pigs, the ratio of carbohydrates and protein is very important. We unpack thousands bags of bread and cakes for pigs everyday as their grain. In addition, fish powder, milk powder, soybeans, and corn are ground together to form powder, and with some additional fresh eggs for feeding, so the pork will be relatively tasty than others. With at least two meals per day which makes all the pigs round and fat.

Breeds of pigs

We will breed different species of pig in our own local farm with a mixed breeding method, which mainly are original Duroc pigs, large white pigs, Hong Kong original large white flowers, Spanish imported Taiwanese improved black pigs, etc. All of them are fed with bread and fresh ingredients, so all the pork produced by HKBPORK, regardless of the breed, is full of the taste of "old-fed" pork.

Our feed

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