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Product Description:

The position of the front scapula of the pig, each pig has two, the taste is smooth, most people use it to make soup and stew, but steaming or frying is also suitable.


Recommended Dishes: Fried BB Pork Shin with Gumbo


*Due to the manual division, the product weight may have a slight difference of +/- 5-10%.

BB Pork Shin

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    - 九龍區 送貨 HK$ 100/單(偏遠地區需額外收取偏遠地區附加費)
    - 香港區 送貨 HK$ 150/單(偏遠地區需額外收取偏遠地區附加費)
    - 新界區 送貨  HK$ 150/單(偏遠地區需額外收取偏遠地區附加費)
    - 購物滿 HK$500,即可享本地運費減半優惠 (偏遠地區運費另計)
    - 購物滿 HK$800,即可享免本地運費優惠 (偏遠地區運費另計)

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